


本隐私政策公开 o6vh.mynewdegree.com (本网站)及其运营者 十大棋牌游戏排行. 公司. (统称为我们或我们)关于收集, 使用和披露您通过本网站提交给我们的信息.


通过访问或以其他方式使用本网站, 您同意本隐私政策的条款和条件, 作为本网站服务条款的组成部分. 您明确同意按照本文所述处理和使用您的信息.


我们收集您的某些“个人信息”,其中可能包括, 但不限于, 可识别个人身份的信息,如您的姓名, 电子邮件地址, address, 用户标识号, 信用卡信息和其他相关的非公开信息. 我们还收集与上述内容相关的数据, 以及“匿名信息”," which is information that is not associated with or linked to 你r Personal Information and does not, 根据我们的理解, 允许识别个人.


我们收集您通过本网站自愿提交给我们的个人信息. 您可以选择使用本网站. 如果您选择使用本网站的某些方面, 我们可能会要求您向我们提供您的某些个人信息, 比如你的姓和名, 邮寄地址(包括邮政编码), 公司名称, 电子邮件地址和电话号码. 当你订购产品或服务时, 我们也可能要求您向我们提供您的信用卡号码, 过期日期和认证码或相关信息. 如果您没有为需要它的特定活动提供某些强制性信息, 你将不被允许参与这项活动. 我们可以举办比赛, sweepstakes or other contests that will require 你 to sign up and provide additional Personal Information. In that case, we will collect the information provided along with 你r involvement in such activity. 另外, 我们保留收集您自愿输入的任何其他信息的权利, 包括个人信息, 进入任何职位, 评论, 反馈, 或网站上的论坛.

我们可能, 但我们没有义务这么做, provide for referral or tell another programs that allow 你 to recommend the site or an article to a friend. 如果您选择这样做,我们将要求您的推荐人的姓名和电子邮件地址. We will automatically send 你r friend one or more communications with either the product 你 have purchased or an invitation for him or her to visit the Website. 该通信将允许推荐人取消订阅进一步的通信. We will collect this information for the sole purpose of sending an invitation to visit the site, 发送他们的产品并跟踪任何推荐计划的成功. 我们还将收集您的电子邮件地址和电子邮件的全部内容, 包括附件, 以及你提供的其他信息. 我们可能会使用和显示您的全名和电子邮件地址给您的推荐人. 此外,我们会使用您的电子邮件地址与您联系,了解您的推荐状态.


We use technology to passively collect and store certain anonymous information that is not tied to a specific identified user which may include, 但不限于您的互联网协议地址, 浏览器类型和操作系统. We, or our authorized third-party representatives may use Cookies and navigational data like Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to gather information regarding the date and time of 你r visit, the site 你 immediately came from and the site 你 immediately go to after accessing the Website. 它还将收集有关网站使用的数据,包括哪些程序, 应用程序, 你搜索的广告和术语, 已浏览或点击. 您是否需要从本网站跳转到其他网站, we are not responsible for the acts of other sites and this 隐私政策 does not apply to that site.

我们可能会进行再营销,在整个网络上推广我们的网站. 当用户访问我们的网站时,我们会给用户留下一个cookie. Users with this cookie may be targeted across advertising networks to receive relevant advertisements.


除非本隐私政策另有规定, 我们不卖, 贸易, 租金, or otherwise share for 市场营销 purposes the Personal Information that we collect with any third parties other than third parties working with us.

在一般情况下, 我们使用您提供的个人信息为您提供访问本网站及其服务的权限, 改善本网站, 为您量身定制功能,并为您提供额外信息, 机会, promotions and functionality from us or the specific advertisers 你 inquire about on the Website at 你r request.

Your Personal Information may be disclosed to third-party service providers who work with us to provide some of the services on the Website and to help us communicate with 你. 例子包括, 但不限于, 发送电子邮件, 分析数据, 市场营销, 处理付款(包括信用卡付款), 提供客户服务. We expect our third-party service providers to not to use such information except as necessary to provide the relevant services to us.

我们可能 also share some or all of 你r Personal Information (other than credit card information) with advertisers about whom 你 have inquired and/or purchased products from the Website. 如果您不希望与广告商分享任何个人信息, 然后不要点击他们的广告或从网站购买他们的产品.

We also reserve the right to create Anonymous Information records from the Personal Information 你 provide by excluding information that we believe in good faith prevents it from being directly identified to a specific user such as 你r name. This would include any 评论 or 反馈 你 provide us which becomes our property and we reserve the right to use any such material with 你r Personal Information redacted in perpetuity for any reason we deem appropriate including, 但不限于, 营销及/或改善本网站, 没有版税或补偿给你. Any such Anonymous Information is subject to terms of this 隐私政策 applicable to all Anonymous Information.

我们可能 share some or all of 你r Personal Information with our affiliated companies that are under a common control, 在这种情况下, 我们将要求他们遵守本隐私政策.

如果我们经历一个商业转型,比如合并, 被其他公司收购, 或出售全部或部分资产, 您的个人信息可能会被转移. 您承认本隐私政策允许并可能发生此类转移. The acquirer of any Personal Information through a business transfer will be subject to this 隐私政策 until revised by the acquirer pursuant to this 隐私政策.

We reserve the right to disclose 你r Personal Information if we believe that such disclosure is necessary to (a) comply with relevant laws or to respond to subpoenas or warrants served on us; or (b) to protect and defend our rights or property, 你, 或者第三方. 您同意我们在本协议所述情况下共享您的个人信息.


This 隐私政策 does not limit our use or disclosure of any Anonymous Information in any way, 我们保留向我们的合作伙伴使用和披露匿名信息的权利, 广告商和其他第三方完全由我们决定.


当您使用本网站时, 您在本网站的公开部分发布或提供的某些信息, 是否可以公开获取,是否可以被其他人收集和使用, 包括不受本网站控制的人. We have no obligations with respect to any information that 你 post to publicly available parts of the Website.


本网站可能包含指向其他网站的链接. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such other websites and this 隐私政策 does not apply to any other sites. We make no representation regarding the privacy practices of any other sites regardless whether we advertise on those sites or provide a link to those sites from our Website.


您应该收到我们的促销邮件吗, 你 may opt-out of receiving additional promotional email communications from us by following the unsubscribe instructions on the emails. 您也可以直接通过以下电话与我们联系 客户.service@mynewdegree.com. This applies to promotional communications and not administrative communications we feel are necessary to provide the services on the Website.


我们相信我们已经采取了合理的措施来保护您的个人信息. No one can fully guarantee or fully eliminate all risks associated with Personal Information and we make no such guarantees.


本隐私政策可根据我们的酌情权随时更改. We will post any such changes to this page and may otherwise post other alerts on the Website or communicate such changes through email. 如果您不同意任何此类更改,请停止使用本网站. Continued use following the posting of any such changes indicates 你r acceptance of the changes.


This Website is intended for use by those over 18 and minors under the age of 13 may not use the Website.

